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i-Learn 4 Health

Questionnaire for children

6 up to 8 years old

(1st and 2nd class of primary school)

Dear parent,

We are a group of scientists from 5 European countries: Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Poland and Romania who put up this survey as a part of an international project iLearn4Helth in order to learn more about the diet and exercise habits of children 6 to 8 years old. By completing this questionnaire, we will have an insight to children’s dietary and exercising habits. It will help us draw conclusions and create online games tailored to the needs of the children and their level of acquisition of knowledge in the field of health education. The questionnaire, thus, serves as a research for the further development of the innovative games in the topic of health promotion in primary schools that will be available for your children for free.

The condition for obtaining reliable results from the questionnaire is your good knowledge of the child and honest attitude to individual statements. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate the answers that illustrate what the child is, not what it should be.

Please complete the entire test in one attempt.

The data provided will remain anonymous and private.

Your approval is required for your child to take part.

There are two sets of questions that are to be answered:

  1. Information about the family.
  2. details about your child’s diet and
  3. way of living (what your child eats and how often, as well as how often he/she exercises and play sports at school and in his/her spare time).

We're thankful for the responses, and we hope you find the questionnaire both informative and enjoyable. There are no correct or wrong answers.

Your contribution to the survey is very important and much appreciated. Thank you for taking part and for your time.